Now things are Simple!

 for weather stations using Cumulus software

Moon Icons set

Using our Cumulus adaptation.

Cumulus could use your own Moon phase icons set to replace Cumulux v1.x produced image. With newest Cumulus MX version, you need to provide your moon pictures as MX doesn't provide them. Hopefully, both version of Cumulus include useful webtags to support alternate way.

Webtags MoonPercent and MoonAge give us a number (from 0 to 100, or 0 to 29) to use in an image serie. Below, you'll see 4 different image sets numbered from 0 to 29, to be used with MoonAge webtag.
(Example: <img src="images/Moon<?php echo $MoonAge; ?>.jpg"...)

These image sets are available in our Download Section.

64px Moon set

This set is a direct replacement for Cumulus 64px generated images.

Moon set icons

64px Moon set

This set is a direct replacement for Cumulus 64px generated images.

Moon set icons

100px Moon set

Moon set icons

235px Moon set

Moon set icons